IDEAL Combine – What it can do for your operation

In 2018, the IDEAL combine burst onto the harvest scene with brand new everything. Instead of being based on previous designs, every piece of this new combine was reimagined and reengineered to give farmers everything they’ve been wanting in this kind of harvester.
AGCO produces the IDEAL Combine under the Massey Ferguson and Fendt brands. They call it a “clean-sheet” design, where they started with a clean design sheet and built what farmers have been asking for.
Compared with other combines, IDEAL boasts fewer belts, longer rotors, better cab comfort, bigger grain tanks, faster unloading, and a more sophisticated engine. It comes in 4 combine classes (7, 8, 9, and 10).
Grain Handling
The grain bin capacity of the Class 9 is truly impressive. In addition to the 485-bushel grain tank (which is an optional feature on Ideal 7 and 8), it comes standard with an auger system (Steamer 6.0) which unloads 6 bushels per second.
In a true feat of technological engineering, the combine comes equipped with a video monitor in the cab and 52 grain sensors (mass acoustic detection sensors—MADS) that use acoustic technology to determine the quality of the grain harvest. It also gives the operator the flexibility and ability to change the settings on the go, for maximum efficiency and crop quality.
Dual Helix Rotors
Ideal 7 has a single rotor measuring nearly 16 feet long providing 8.94 square feet of threshing area, while Ideal 8, 9, and 10 have dual helix rotors that cover 17.88 square feet of threshing area.
This is more than any other combine on the market right now.
IDEAL Balance
No longer will farmers have to worry about hills and expensive, cumbersome self-leveling shoes for their combines. This one can adjust with the touch of a button to maintain even crop distribution on hillsides.
Power Transmission
The engine’s sleek, efficient power design with a few belts and better placement in the machine is setting the standard for combine engines everywhere. It has been designed and simplified to transfer the most power to where it is needed most.
No more wasted power and extra parts, which saves on gas and maintenance.
Trakride & Narrow Frame
When it is all folded up to put away or drive on roadways, it is a compact 11 feet wide. It also drives on the road up to an impressive 25 mph.
The slim tracks are designed to decrease and minimize soil compaction in your fields, too.
IDEAL Vision Cab
The designers certainly didn’t forget about the comfort of the operator. From 62 sq ft of glass offering a 180 view, to a 10.4-inch touchscreen monitor, farmers will forget they’re driving a combine!
You might have to draw straws to see who is the lucky driver of the machine on your farm.
The AGCO IDEAL Combine comes in four classes. We want you to be sure that the one you’re getting is right for your farm and harvesting needs.
Here is a side by side comparison of each:
Engine Horsepower Rated/Max HP (kw) | Rotors | Threshing area
In.² (m²) |
Separation Area
In.² (m²) |
Total Chaffer / Sieve Area In.² (m²)
Total Cleaning Area In.² (m²) | Grain Tank Capacity – Bushels
Std. (Opt.) |
Grain Tank Unloading Rate – Bushels/Second
Std. (Opt.) |
Ideal 7 | 392 (292) / 451 (336) | Single Helix
24” x 190.5” |
1,287 (0.83) | 2,232 (1.44) | 7,595 (4.90) | 11,548 (7.45) | 350 (485) | 4.0 (6.0) |
Ideal 8 | 470 (351) / 538 (401) | Dual Helix
24” x 190.5” |
2,573 (1.66) | 2,976 (1.92) | 7,595 (4.90) | 11,548 (7.45) | 350 (485) | 4.0 (6.0) |
Ideal 9 | 561 (421) / 647 (483) | Dual Helix
24” x 190.5” |
2,573 (1.66) | 3,720 (2.40) | 8,370 (5.40) | 12,322 (7.95) | 485 (350) | 6.0 (4.0) |
Ideal 10 | 687 (512) / 790 (589) | Dual Helix
24” x 190.5” |
2,573 (1.66) | 4,464 (2.88) | 8,370 (5.40) | 12,322 (7.95) | 485 (350) | 6.0 (4.0) |
Whatever your crop, a Fendt IDEAL Combine can be a good option for you and your farm. Contact us today to start your new combine purchase.
Don’t forget to peruse our selection of used farm equipment, including other combines, grain bins, and tractors.