Payment Frequency
Number of Payments
Interest %
Loan Amount $
Amount Financed:
Total Amount:
Finance Charge:
2000 HARDI CM750 R22570
750 gallon, 60′ booms, 3 section, 3-way nozzles on 20″ spacing,
12.4-42 tires 65% tread, 60″-90″ adjustable axle, Pilot rate controller,
chemical inductor, flush and rinse system, 540 PTO, HARDI diaphragm pump (just rebuilt),
foam marker, went through shop, Field Ready
2015 HARDI NAVIGATOR 3500 60684
1000 Gallon, 60-90′ Booms, Foam Marker, Wash Rinse Tank, Chemical Inductor, 464 Diaphragm Pump, HC5500 Rate Controller